Lead the Field

This is probably by far one of the Books that has catapulted me into living the life I love. I think mostly because it resinates from deep within oneself. Lead The Field has opened doors to so many opportunities for me to meet people, go places, and take a dive into a better understanding of why Alisa does some of the things she does.

We are living in a world of tremendous possibilities, but why is it that we see so many people stuck in repeat mode living the same day over and over again wanting more? We weren’t born to be puppets like the masses seem to follow. We were designed with a purpose, and we can achieve whatever it is we set out to achieve. We have seen this through people who have had a cancer diagnosis that would not accept defeat. We see this with people who are struck with blindness like Helen Keller, she was the first deaf and blind person to graduate with a Bachelor of Arts degree.

Helen became a driving force for people with disabilities, women’s rights and for civil rights movements. Did you know she wrote 14 books including 2 autobiographies when she couldn’t even see? How is this possible?

Earl Nightingale has a very interesting background and has brought to light for millions of people how to conquer their fears and connect with their dream life. As a pioneer in the self-help industry he takes us past what we see in our current reality that prevents us from living a better version of ourselves, and he breaks apart these myths in our mind.

Earl was known as the “Dean of Personal Development” for his work on human character development, self motivation and living a meaningful existence.

His book “The Strangest Secret” is considered by many to have been one of the greatest motivational books of all time. Nightingale became a partner with Lloyd Conant and together they became the world’s largest producer of audio programs.

I believe this is a wonderful start for you reading/audible library

Click the image to the left to get your book copy or an audible version of LEAD THE FIELD. I love to listen to it as I’m driving. I find it interesting that every time I get through the book and listen to it again, I hear something I didn’t hear from the previous time. This book can be a life changer if you allow a corner of your mind to be opened up to receive. Click on the image and ENJOY!

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